Our enterprise clients want reliable technology that is easy to set up and manage, will perform office functions well, and will last a long time—both from durability and capability perspectives. This is exactly what we deliver.
We have strong relationships with technology manufacturers such as HP, and we are a preferred reseller and authorized service provider of Lenovo desktops, laptops and tablets. This gives us a convenience advantage and often a price advantage over most competitors.
Our Voyageur brand desktops, built in Minnesota, offer quality and custom features only found in much higher-priced desktops. They include the best components for the application and no trial ware, bloat ware, ad ware, or unnecessary platforms; each desktop is ready to use as soon as it is unboxed.
We also guarantee timely, industry-leading support from our Minneapolis area facility. For more than 20 years, businesses around the world have trusted us for leading-edge, high-quality, cost-effective technology backed by our outstanding customer service. It’s all about experience, expertise, and smart, cost-effective solutions that meet or exceed the needs of our clients. For more information on Nor-Tech’s technology for offices visit: https://www.nor-tech.com/solutions/desktops/offices/.