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Nor-Tech just announced the integration of their demo cluster with NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV). The application allows users to remotely access 2D/3D interactive applications over a standard LAN or WAN connection network. It also allows organizations to centralize computing resources.


Nor-Tech just announced the integration of their leading-edge demo cluster with NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV). The application allows users to remotely access 2D/3D interactive applications over a standard LAN or WAN connection network, while at the same time allowing organizations to centralize their computing resources.

Nor-Tech President and CEO David Bollig said, “We are shipping multiple clusters this month that are integrated with NICE DCV. This is a high demand product with proven utility, so we are very pleased to have this opportunity to showcase DCV on our demo cluster.”

DCV allows engineers and scientists to take full advantage of high-end graphics cards, fast I/O performance and large memory nodes hosted in a public or private 3D cloud, rather than waiting for upgrades. DCV also allows IT Departments to maximize their budgets by consolidating and sharing hardware resources.

The DCV protocol adapts to heterogeneous networking infrastructures like LAN, WAN and VPN to solve bandwidth and latency constraints. All applications run natively on the remote machines which can be virtualized and share the same physical GPU.

Benefits include:

  •     Saves money and time on application deployment and upgrades.
  •     Increases user productivity on heavy applications and large datasets.
  •     Gives remote workforce secure access to centralized resources.
  •     Enables real-time collaboration.
  •     Users can work anywhere over standard, secure TCP/IP connections.

NICE DCV is a time-tested technology that is continually upgraded. The newest version offers the following enhancements:

  •     Audio remotization on Windows.
  •     USB support on Windows and Linux.
  •     Support for Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
  •     Supports NVIDIA GRID 2.0.

The world’s leading cluster hardware providers, such as NICE and Intel, leverage Nor-Tech’s demo cluster to prove the value of their latest products such as DCV, Intel Xeon Phi and Intel OmniPath.

The demo cluster allows organizations such as research institutions and enterprises to test drive the latest HPC cluster software and hardware before they commit to either upgrading their current cluster or transitioning from a workstation to a cluster. This is a no-cost, no-strings opportunity.

Nor-Tech is on CRN’s list of the top 40 Data Center Infrastructure Providers—joining ranks with IBM, Dell, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Lenovo. The company is renowned throughout the scientific, academic, and business communities for easy to deploy turnkey clusters and expert, no wait time support. All of Nor-Tech’s technology is made by Nor-Tech in Minnesota and supported by Nor-Tech around the world. In addition to HPC clusters, Nor-Tech’s custom technology includes workstations, desktops, and servers for a range of applications including CAE, CFD, and FEA. Nor-Tech engineers average 20+ years of experience and are responsible for significant high performance computing innovations. The company has been in business since 1998 and is headquartered in Burnsville, Minn. just outside of Minneapolis. To find try out NICE DCV on Nor-Tech’s demo cluster visit https://www.nor-tech.com/solutions/hpc/demo-cluster/ and fill out the contact form or call Nor-Tech toll free: 877-808-1010. Complete list of DCV supported platforms: http://www.nice-software.com/products/dcv;jsessionid=4F4EE478E9D8968F0760C2164ABDEFC6

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