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Working collaboratively with Intel, we just developed, what we believe is, the top purpose-built simulation and modeling cluster. The branded NT-HPC Simulation and Modeling Cluster has several key hardware and software components:
• Intel Xeon Scalable processors
• The Intel Omni-Path architecture HPC fabric for latency-sensitive workloads
• Intel Cluster Checker
• Additional Intel technologies that benefit HPC applications
• Nor-Tech’s own branded NT-EZ Cluster Support solutions for expert systems support

We have been a primary innovator in the HPC cluster space for more than a decade; with an elite staff of expert engineers that average more than 20 years of hands-on experience. Our world-class systems incorporate the following key practices for design and configuration:
• Guaranteed no wait-time support
• Using the right components, such as HPC-class memory and data center drives
• Plug and play setup at the client’s site
• Thorough documentation and well-labeled components
• Storage Guard software included to alert clients before their clusters run out of space
• SATM software for ambient temperature-monitoring to protect clusters in the event air conditioning fails
• Options for fast recovery with local spares onsite

All of this results in systems that:
• Are performance-optimized for highly scalable simulation and modeling applications using Message Passing Interface libraries
• Reduce the time required to evaluate, select, purchase, deploy, configure and support a workload-appropriate solution
• Improve delivery and uptime through simplified deployment and advanced diagnostic tools
• Are compatible with other HPC applications listed in the Intel Scalable System Framework application catalog

For more information, visit: https://www.nor-tech.com/solutions/hpc/simulation_modeling/.

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