(877) 808-1010

Demo HPC Applications and Hardware

Now Available: Free Demo of Intel Xeon 6 6900 Series, Xeon 5, AMD EPYC Gen 4, and NVIDIA L40S

Nor-Tech has established a demo cluster to help with the HPC decision process; choosing the right processors or justifying the addition of HPC technology. We have AMD, INTEL, and NVIDIA GPUs available to gauge the best performance for the application.  Multiple nodes demonstrate the performance benefit and return on investment of investing in HPC technology.

See how much faster your code will run on the latest applications and hardware.

Free hassle-free demos are available for all of the following and more:


  • ANSYS: ANSYS Fluent – CFD
  • ANSYS: Mechanical – FEA
  • Altair: Hyperworks – Suite of CAE software
  • CEI Software: Ensight
  • Convergent Science: Converge CFD – Meshless CFD
  • MSC Software Cradle-CFD scSTREAM, scTetra
  • Dassault Systemes – Simulia: Abaqus – FEA
  • Lumerical: FDTD Solutions – Photonic Design Tools
  • MSC Software: Marc Nonlinear – FEA
  • Moldex3D: eDesign – Plastic Injection Molding Simulation
  • COMSOL: COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Cascade Technologies High Fidelity CFD
  • Siemens Star CCM+
  • Dassault Systemes Simulia Abaqus & Other Simulation Products
  • OpenFOAM


  • AMBER – Molecular Dynamics
  • CHARMM – Macro Molecular Simulations
  • CHARM++ – Object Oriented Parallel Programming Language
  • GAMESS – Computational Chemistry
  • VMD – Visual Molecular Dynamics
  • NAMD – Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics
  • Trinity – Assemble Transcript Sequences from Illumina

Stay on the leading edge

Call 952.808.1000 or toll free: 877.808.1010

  • Demo Request Information


    • NICE: DCV Remote Visualization
    • NICE DCV Access Console
    • EF Portal (formerly EnginFrame)
    • IPMI management
    • Bright Cluster Manager
    • Intel: Compilers & Libraries
    • Open OnDemand Web Portal
    • OpenHPC
    • Altair PBS Pro & PBS Pro Open


    • Xeon 6 6900 Series CPUs
    • EPYC 5th Gen Turin CPUs
    • Intel Xeon 5 CPUs
    • InfiniBand
    • Latest Low Latency Flash Storage
    • NVIDIA GPUs including the L40S

    If you don’t see the application or hardware you’re looking for, just ask.


    Demo Cluster FAQs

    1. Is there any obligation at all?

    2. Is there a waiting list?
    There usually isn’t but there can be, depending on demand.

    3. How long will it take to get results?
    It depends on the job. It can vary depending on configuration complexity; generally, 1-2 days.

    4. What exactly can and can’t I test on the demo cluster?
    There are some limitations depending on ISV licensing.

    5. Can I test apps and hardware that aren’t currently integrated in the cluster?

    6. Can we install our own applications?
    Yes, depending on availability.

    7. Can I try different BIOS or application configurations to learn what works best with my applications?

    8. Can we try various hardware configurations, like various amounts of memory or drive types?

    9. How can I share the results with my colleagues?
    You will receive the output of your jobs in the form of a report and may be able to remote in to generate your own report.

    10. Wouldn’t it be better to just go directly to the OEM or ISV and request a demo?
    You would probably find that more challenging. Most likely you wouldn’t be able to run your own job and an ISV may want to send you to the cloud. In addition, hardware OEMs and ISVs would not want to benchmark one competitor against another.

    11. Do you have any incentive to favor one OEM or ISV over another?

    12. What’s in it for Nor-Tech?
    One of our goals is for you to be able to justify the return on investment in new or upgraded equipment to your upper management.

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