Interested in performance testing your custom and commercial applications on AMD EPYC free? Take advantage of our award-winning high performance demo cluster. It’s integrated with the most in-demand HPC hardware and software from Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Bright, Ansys, Dassault and more.
Our engineers thoroughly review everything we integrate into our demo cluster to ensure that it is the best-in-class component on the market—AMD EPYC is a good example. This SoC (system on a chip) bridges current performance gaps with innovations that efficiently support the needs of existing and future datacenters. Highlights include:
• World record performance
• Outperforms the Intel Xeon processor E5-2690 v4 by up to 146%
• Offers up to 2.6 times the memory capacity of an Intel Xeon Platinum processor
• Ideal for memory-bound HPC workloads with up to 33% more memory bandwidth per core to keep data flowing to the processors
• Offers up to 128 lanes of PCIe bandwidth without the need for a switch
• Supports 8 to 32 cores per socket to deliver massively parallel performance
• Offers more cores in the same space than other 1RU and 2RU servers
• Supports high-bandwidth network interfaces, giving HPC workloads quick access to data
• Directly attaches up to 32 NVMe or SATA devices to optimize I/O and efficiently handle storage needs
The AMD EPYC is great for HPC applications such as weather modeling (WRF, MPAS), crash simulation (LSDyna), oil and gas seismic time migrations and reservoir modeling (Parametrics), medical (NamD),computational fluid dynamics (Ansys and StarCCM+) and any application that requires high memory bandwidth. Most of this software is also available for a free trial on our demo cluster. To sign up visit: