Did you know that we create Quick Start Guides–customized manuals–for all HPC technology clients in order to make the entire supercomputer experience as simple as possible? The guide, complete with easy-to-understand photos and graphics customized for the client, not only makes it very easy to deploy the technology, but streamlines support for the life of the computer. Information in the guide includes:
• Multiple Images: clear images of the front, switches, rear of head node, rear of compute node(s), blanking panels and connector types.
• Assembly Instructions: simple to follow instructions, specific to the technology, on how to easily set up the device.
• Power Up Instructions: a list of items to check before initial power up.
• Labeled and Color-Identifying Cables: Nor-Tech labels each cable in the technology solution with the node name of the corresponding node. Nor-Tech also categorizes each network by color. These colors and labels are designed to help identify each node and network easily during install and ongoing support.
• Internal HPC Network Settings: includes the settings for each of the internal networks.
• Switches: includes the configurations for each internal network in the technology solution
• Drive Configuration: details the hard drive layout.
• Easy Repair and Recovery: instructions for deploying Remote RAID Repair & Recovery and Nor-Tech’s proprietary Rapid Cluster Recovery—both included with the HPC technology.
• Ambient Temperature Monitor and Storage Guard Overview: includes details on how these proprietary Nor-Tech tools, included with the technology, operate.
• Client-Specific Software: includes details on how to use the software most efficiently and effectively.
• Common Network Points: a list of commonly used default ports.
• And much more…
We are one of the only HPC technology providers that takes the time and attention to create this comprehensive guide for each client’s specific technology solution. Many companies say they provide easy-to-deploy solutions, but we back our promise up with utilities such as this and our pledge of no-wait-time support. These guides take our engineering team a significant amount of time. Based on the feedback that we continually get from clients on the value of this tool, it is definitely worthwhile. Call 877-808-1010; Live Chat now at www.nor-tech.com or email: info@nor-tech.com