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One of the reasons that Nor-Tech is one of the world’s top system integrators for HPC servers and clusters is Linux expertise. While there are several cluster providers to pick from, the majority lack substantial integration experience. Nor-Tech’s turnkey clusters are ready to deploy as soon as they reach the client location.

Once the applications are fully integrated and before the cluster is delivered, clients can remote in and run their projects. As a result, the client becomes comfortable with the cluster before it is even sent. The demo may also reveal any obstacles preventing the cluster from operating flawlessly at the client site.

Nor-Tech’s objective is to establish or strengthen each client relationship with every integration project. Even though Nor-Tech is well known for being a top enterprise application integrator, they go above and beyond by providing exceptional service and support both throughout the implementation process and long after. Once of the ways they achieve this is no-wait-time support.

Integration skills is a decision factor for clients with the majority of hardware orders. Recently, there were 60 applications integrated into a cluster that Nor-Tech built for a world-renowned California university. Nor-Tech’s high level of integration experience was one of the factors that helped the company win the project.

It takes a cooperative team of professionals to integrate apps in a challenging distributed parallel environment. The majority of Nor-Tech’s engineers have worked there 10 years or longer, and they closely collaborate with business partners. The bottom line is that many companies can sell the hardware, but very few can integrate it correctly.


Why Nor-Tech is the best choice for your business

Now starting our 25th year, we have established ourselves as one of leading providers of quality HPC solutions. Our servers are backed by an expert team that is available to provide support and assistance ensuring that your business always has access to the resources it needs. Contact us for more information or a quick quote: 952-808-1000; engineering@nor-tech.com/ or click on the Contact tab at https://www.nor-tech.com/contact-2018/


About Nor-Tech

Nor-Tech is on CRN’s list of the top 40 Data Center Infrastructure Providers along with IBM, Oracle, Dell, and Supermicro and is also a member of Hyperion Research’s prestigious HPC Technical Computing Advisory Panel. The company is a complete high performance computer solution provider for 2015 and 2017 Nobel Physics Award-contending/winning projects.  Nor-Tech engineers average 20+ years of experience. This strong industry reputation and deep partner relationships also enable the company to be a leading supplier of cost-effective Lenovo desktops, laptops, tablets and Chromebooks to schools and enterprises.  All of Nor-Tech’s high-performance technology is developed by Nor-Tech in Minnesota and supported by Nor-Tech around the world. The company is headquartered in Burnsville, Minn. just outside of Minneapolis. Nor-Tech holds the following contracts: Minnesota State IT, GSA, University of Wisconsin System, and NASA SEWP V. To contact Nor-Tech call 952-808-1000/toll free: 877-808-1010 or visit https://www.nor-tech.com.

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