“We measure return by how many prototypes the simulation and modeling technology eliminates. It has only been up running for a few months, but already we see the ROI.”
Motor Innovation Company’s Manager for the Engineering, Simulation Group
Motor Innovator and Manufacturer Case Study
Their Challenge
A leading motor manufacturer has mastered the art of investing in the most powerful technology tools for product development—one of the many reasons that the brand has stood for the highest quality, leading-edge motors for decades.
When the Manager for the Engineering, Simulation Group was investigating the most effective way to add significantly more power for simulation and modeling, he met Nor-Tech Senior HPC Account Manager Bob Dreis at a tradeshow.
“I had not heard of Nor-Tech before I ran into Bob,” the client said. “We got to talking and right away I liked the fact that Nor-Tech was offering a straight out purchase. Everyone else we talked to was offering a lease situation.”
What the client was looking for was a 224-core Linux cluster with 8 GPUs.
“Our expertise with Linux is a strong differentiating factor for Nor-Tech,” Bob said. “We remove the complexity of integrating and deploying multiple open source platforms. This tends to bring the cost of clusters down significantly.”
Even though Bob did a good job of selling the client on Nor-Tech, the client performed due diligence before placing the order. “After we ran into Bob, we went to our software suppliers to see who they were partnering with and saw that Nor-Tech was a partner in good standing,” he said. “We checked around, online and offline, on their reputation and encountered nothing but good things. The other thing we liked was the locale—they are in the Midwest, which simplifies service and maintenance for us.”
Our Solution
A few months later Nor-Tech delivered the cluster, which was turnkey all the way down to the applications. But there were some snags with one vendor. “Nor-Tech’s engineers bent over backwards to work with the vendor’s engineers and get this up and running,” Bob said. “Our single goal was to have another satisfied client and we were more than willing to go the extra mile.”
The new cluster marked the transition, in the client’s division, from workstations to clusters—a move that many of their competitors have yet to make. “It solved a lot of problems,” the client said. “We used to be all workstations. Now everyone submits a job and it gets queued. There aren’t any more discussions as to ‘Are you using the workstation?’. It has also allowed us run jobs that took weeks in 5-6 hours.”
Their Success
“The client continues to be a pleasure to work with,” Bob said. “We have been very impressed with their drive to pursue leading-edge technology, such as this cluster.”
As far as return on investment, the client measures it by how many expensive prototypes the simulation and modeling technology eliminates. “This has only been up and running for a few months, but already we can see the ROI,” the client said.
Nor-Tech Case Study, Motor Manufacturer, p.2
The company is currently getting close to the cluster’s capacity threshold. “When the time comes for more power, I would feel confident purchasing again from Nor-Tech because of service and their ability to deliver everything they said they would and then some,” the client said. “I usually get an immediate response when I have a service request. They have been stellar in every regard. I would definitely recommend Nor-Tech.”
About Nor-Tech
Nor-Tech built its reputation on the industry’s easiest-to-deploy cluster solutions and guaranteed no wait time support. The company designed and built the HPC cluster that enabled the first detection of a gravitational wave—a discovery destined to change history. In addition to HPC clusters, Nor-Tech’s custom technology includes workstations, desktops, and servers for a range of applications including CAE, CFD, and FEA. Clients include some of the most respected organizations in the world. Nor-Tech engineers average 20+ years of experience and are responsible for significant high performance computing innovations. The company has been in business since 1998 and is headquartered in Burnsville, Minn. just outside of Minneapolis. To contact Nor-Tech call 952-808-1000/toll free: 877-808-1010 or visit https://www.nor-tech.com. Full release at: https://www.nor-tech.com/category/news/