If you aren’t comfortable with Open Source for HPC, but would love to take advantage of the incredible cost-savings, we are the only company with the perfect solution for you. Open OnDemand makes Open Source HPC as easy as using a desktop or website. Compared with using command lines, there’s no contest. We are also offering a free trial on our famous demo cluster.
Our entire engineering team has been working with the NSF-funded Open OnDemand organization to integrate Open OnDemand into our Open HPC Cluster Management Suite. Our VP of Engineering Dom Daninger is on the Open OnDemand advisory board. And again, we are the only one offering this to enterprise and education clients.
Now you can take advantage of low cost/no cost open source cluster management tools like Open HPC, Open OnDemand, PBS Pro and CentOS to dramatically cut your software licensing costs. Even if you aren’t HPC savvy you can easily load and run HPC jobs through a common browser GUI instead of a command line.
Here’s a little more info:
• The Open OnDemand server is simply a virtual machine running on the cluster head node so no extra server hardware is needed–keeping the added cost very low.
• There is zero install. Open OnDemand is a single point of entry into your cluster, all you need is a simple browser and a single sign-on–user name, password and URL.
• You can easily upload and download files to and from the cluster right through the browser with no special FTP or PUTTY needed.
• If you want to use command lines you can from within the browser session.
• Resource schedulers like PBS Pro, Slurm and LSF are all supported.
Open OnDemand is an NSF funded project based at the Ohio Supercomputing Center. It has been in production since January 2013 and has over 800 distinct users from 27 different NSF fields of science. Its apps have been launched over 70,000 times. Contact us to learn more now! 877-808-1010 info@nor-tech.com.
Read More At: https://www.nor-tech.com/leading-edge/open_ondemand/