, a collaboration between Intel, Dassault Systèmes and Nor-Tech, is a site for real-time demonstration of the ROI of upgrading from a workstation to HPC technology equipped with leading-edge Dassault software and the fastest Intel processors. users will be able to assess the advantages of Intel Xeon Scalable processors and Dassault’s Abaqus integrated into Nor-Tech hardware.
Nor-Tech has been at the forefront of supercomputing innovation, delivering HPC solutions for more than a decade. We offer a full range of HPC technology, including standard rackmount, GPU, visualization, workgroup, office, and portable.
In addition to Dassault Simulia’s latest version of Abaqus, other simulation and modeling software is available to run on For real time determination of simulation technology ROI visit:
We also maintain a cutting-edge HPC demo computer, geared toward CAE/CFD/FEA applications, that demonstrates the benefits of transitioning applications from workstations to HPC technology. Find out more at: There is no cost to the user for either or the demo cluster.
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